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User Management
Updated over a week ago

Adding New Users to Bild and Existing Projects

Only Admins can add users to Bild. As an admin:

  1. Go to Company Settings in your global settings on the top right hand corner

  2. Click on the Users & Roles tab

  3. Click Add Users

  4. Type out the email address(es) of anyone you'd like to invite

    1. Press Enter after every email address so a bubble forms around their email address

  5. Specify that new user's role - Admin, Member, or Viewer

  6. Specify the new user's project access - No Access, Viewer, Collaborator, or Editor

  7. Click Add

See below for user roles and project access.

"No Access" to projects will not hide those Projects in the Bild dashboard, but those will be grayed out with a Lock icon.

Creating Custom Permissions and Roles

Only Admins can create custom roles:

  1. Go to Company Settings in your global settings in the top right-hand corner

  2. Click on the User Management tab

  3. Click Roles

  4. Select Add Roles

  5. Title the role and specify the roles' permissions by selecting the checkboxes for each action

  6. Click Create

Adding Users to Projects Individually

An alternative way to grant existing users access to Projects is in the Project Settings tab.

Insert an element

  1. Navigate to the specific Project you'd like to add users to

  2. Click on the Settings icon on the left hand side

  3. Select the Users tab

  4. Start typing out the email address of the user you'd like to add, then click on that User

  5. Specify their access level - Editor, Collaborator, or Viewer

  6. Click Add

Users must be invited by admins to join your Bild account first, and must complete their profile creation for them to appear as options for users to add to Projects.

Deleting Users

Similar to adding users, only Admins can remove users. This will remove the user from the Bild account completely.

  1. Navigate to the Users tab in your Admin Settings

  2. Click on the user to delete

  3. Click Delete

  4. Type out the name of the user as specified in the dialog window, and click Delete

Removing Users From a Project

Admins on the account are automatic Editors on all Projects, and cannot be removed. All other Members and Viewers, who can have Editor, Collaborator, or Viewer access to a Project, can be removed from a Project.

Insert an element

  1. Navigate to the Project

  2. Go to Project Settings

  3. Click on. theUsers Tab

  4. Click on the "X" next to the user

Roles & Permissions - Account Level


Account Permissions

Project Permissions


Responsible for managing the overall account and settings of Bild

  • Access Admin Settings

  • Modify custom metadata, table columns, ECO, and BOM settings

  • Perform user management

  • Cancel check-outs made by other users

  • Automatic Editor on all Projects


Day-to-day user of Bild

  • None

  • Need to be invited to Projects they did not create

  • Can be either an Editor, Collaborator, or Viewer on a Project


Passive user of Bild

  • None

  • Need to be invited to Projects

  • Can only be a Viewer on any project

Roles & Permissions - Project Level



View Files, create feedback items, write notes, create BOMs and packages, view version history, download files, share links, update metadata properties


In addition to Viewer capabilities, Editors can add/remove files, change project names, delete projects, check out/check in files, recover previous versions, and add users to projects.


Can do everything an Editor can do, other than manage feedback items on the Kanban board

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