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Updated over a week ago

Creating Approvals

Approvals can be initiated on any file, engineering change order (ECO), or BOM and are available for users to document decisions before releasing files. Approvers will be able to provide comments, and decisions such as Approve or Reject before closing the approval as approved or rejected.

Starting an Approval for a File

  1. Navigate to the file info drawer for a given part/assembly/file, and go to Activity

  2. Click Start Approval

  3. Specify the due date (optional), and add reviewers to then Request Approval

  4. Reviewers will receive notifications to provide input, Approve, or Reject

Starting an Approval for an ECO

  1. Open the ECO page by selecting the "ECOs & Revs" icon on your left menu dock

  2. Navigate to the ECO you'd like to create an approval for

  3. Select the "Create Approval" button

  4. Edit the approvals' information (due date, add approvers/groups)

  5. Click "Request Approval"

ECO approvals will only be added to files that are not currently in review, locked, or checked out

Starting an Approval for a BOM

  1. Click on the BOMs icon within your project

  2. Navigate to and open the BOM

  3. Click the Start Approval button

  4. Specify the due date (optional) and add reviewers and/or groups

  5. Click the Request Approval button

  6. Reviewers will receive notifications to provide input, Approve, or Reject

Giving an Approval Disposition

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